Publisher growth tactics for election season | WEBINAR
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These are some of the people and organizations we’d like to thank for supporting SODP. Your contribution drives our efforts and makes this endeavor possible.
Andrey Tarantsov. NativeAI. Jessica Allen. Annie Quenneville. Karthik Balachander Venkatesan. Liam Handford. Ellie Ashery. Jeremy Olshan. Muzaffar Mustapa.Yvette Dimiri. Jim Robinson. Bibblio (Mads Holmen & Robbert van der Pluijm).Content Insights- (Em Kuntz, Mia Comic & Goran Mirkovic). Scott Kritz. Melissa Chowning. Veronica Magan. StoryChief – Valeri Potchekailov. Get Social – Joao Romao. Keith Sibson. Chelsey Health. Jared Spears. Tina McCorkindale. Dan Rua. Gordan Topalovic. Wallkit – Piers Fawkes & Tim Rohovets. Saida Ayupova. Sanja Bodiroga. Sarika Garg. Small Biz Trends – Anita Campbell. Vanessa Wojtusiak.
2nd Annual
Monetization Week
The Convergence of Innovation and Strategy: Publisher Monetization in 2025.
A 5-day online event exploring the future of publisher revenue models.
May 19 – 23, 2025
Online Event