CBA and ECPA best-selling author, Diana Lesire Brandmeyer, writes historical and contemporary romances.
What led you to start working in digital/media publishing?
I started my writing career with traditional magazine and book publishers. It was a good experience, and I learned from it. Then, I had more to write, but traditional publishing doesn’t have enough spots for writers. I had friends who write in the same genre that is doing well publishing their work, and I decided to join them. I’m glad I did.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I’m at my desk by 8 a.m. I wish I could be that person who waits until lunch to check email, but I that wouldn’t be true. I have to know what’s happening. I don’t always answer my email then unless I consider it urgent or a priority. At 9 a.m, it’s time to write on my current work until lunch. That might be writing or editing. After lunch, I write ad copy, back cover copy, do editing for others. I quit work around 3 p.m.
What’s your work setup look like?
I use a PC—a laptop with an extra monitor, a VariDesk which lets me stand or sit while working, Dragon Dictation, and a paper calendar for the daily to-do list. I also have a dry erase calendar to keep track of my production and publicity schedule. I use Scrivener to keep my work organized and have a file set up just for marketing. In it, I know the size I need for an ebook cover, my bio, list of my books with links and places where I’ve had the best return on ads.
What do you do or go to get inspired?
Long car rides as a passenger, riding my bike and walking seem to help my creative brain get busy with ideas.
What’s your favorite piece of writing or quote?
Whatever you can do or dream you can. Begin it. Goethe. I have a Mary Engelbreit print in my office with this quote printed on it. It’s an encouragement to me.
What is the passionate problem you are tackling at the moment?
Time management and procrastination. When you work at home, it’s always easier to step away from your work to throw in the laundry, answer the phone, or clean out the fridge if the writing isn’t going well.
Is there a product, solution, or tool that you think is a good match for your digital publishing efforts?
Scrivener makes my writing life much easier because I can move scenes around, see at a glance photos of settings, and keep track of my point of view character.
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Any advice for ambitious digital publishing and media professionals just starting out?
Find groups of indie authors online or locally. They can help you learn the ways to publish and how to market your work. You also must learn how to tell a good story and be prepared to pay for an editor and cover designer when you finish.